Wander Free Wellness

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NamaStay Sober: Synchronicity in the City

I have the pleasure of being on the team of volunteers for a wonderful Boston nonprofit and charity called NamaStay Sober. The goal of NamaStay Sober is to connect recovering addicts with free yoga, fitness, and meditation classes to aid in their recovery and connect them with a healthy and positive community. In addition, NamaStay Sober hosts sober fitness and community events around the city and gives Boston a fun and healthy alternative to the social bar scene. Here's a pic from our "Raw Yoga" event at Brooklyn Boulders.

How I became involved with NamaStay Sober is where the synchronicity comes in. One evening last winter, I was sitting in Boston Common Coffee doing some "yoga work" and applying for yoga positions. At the same time I overheard two people nearby in the shop chatting about yoga and what a difference they feel it makes in their lives.

I became overwhelmed with the feeling that this must be a sign from the universe (of which I had become more aware since teacher training), and I felt compelled to go introduce myself. When I met Nicoletta, the founder of NamaStay Sober, and realized what she was doing - I knew I had to take part. As someone who has lost a loved one to addiction, I feel close to the cause. In fact, yoga for addiction was one area of interest before meeting the NamaStay Sober crew! The rest is history. I now help secure food and beverage sponsors and donations for our fundraisers and events.

Check out our next event on City Hall Plaza, the NamaStay Sober Fit Fest

September 11, 2016 ~ 10am-5pm

Facebook Event link here: https://www.facebook.com/events/311969705820226/