Wander Free Wellness

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Wake Your Wild: Practices to Awaken Your Untamed Essence

Wake Your Wild

As a follow up to my last newsletter, where I discussed the idea of shedding layers to return to the true & wild essence of the soul, I've got a variety of events coming up designed to help you do just that.

For those of you not local, or unable to come to my events, you can practice this work on your own. How do we "wake our wild"? Our instinctual, primal, intuitive, creative, and free nature is a part of us already. We are often simply too distracted with work, bills, and emotion-numbing and self-medicating practices to feel it. It's been domesticated and ignored, but your wild is there, my friend.

You may feel wild in one area of your life and completely stifled in another. You may feel totally free, or you may have no idea what connecting to the wild nature even feels like. Wherever you are on this spectrum, it's all welcome here.

Here are just a few practices, some medicine, to help you get started in thinking about how to awaken your inner wild - your true nature.

Complete these sentences

  • For too long, I have felt...

  • I am ready to release the {role/belief/layers} of...

  • To me, wild and free means...

  • I feel wild and free when...

  • My true wild nature is longing to...

Put on music that makes you feel alive, sensual, or really energized. Then, move your body. Don't try to do dance moves that you think "look good". Move your body in a way that feels good. If it doesn't feel good, don't do it. Keep moving your body and experiment - what movements make you feel free? What movements make you feel alive? What movements make you feel the most like you?

Get in Nature:
Ditch the phone and get in nature, whatever the season and whatever that means for you. Drive to the ocean. Walk in the woods. Spend time in a park. Feel the air on your skin, press your hands into the snow or sand, dip your toes in the ocean water, breathe in the scent of the outdoors. Nature is medicine and she will help you return to the truth of who you are, if you are present with her.

Make Art:
I don't mean a masterpiece. Get a couple colors of paint, one canvas or pad of paper, and a paintbrush. Draw circles, scribbles, designs, spirals. Paint dots. Paint the whole page. Make a mess. Wanna get really wild? Use your fingers instead of the paintbrush. There is no goal; just practice putting your energy into your creation. Notice how you feel as you smear paint around. Realize that what you are doing is 100% unique. No one else in the world has created, or will ever create, the same piece of art that you've just made. HOW AMAZING IS THAT?

If you try any of these simple practices, please respond to me and let me know how you feel.
