The Ache As Guide To Soul...(On Longing)
Free Wanderer,
Are you acquainted with the feeling of longing?
Do you understand the ache that sits deep in your belly, or in your heart, or in your bones, for something else?
For something more?
For something from another time and place, known or unknown?
We are exploring this longing in depth in tonight's Online New Moon Circle inside the online membership Temple of the Wild Wanderer. If you are a woman/femme and are able, join us for this last minute exploration (details below).
Even if you can't make it, take this new moon as an opportunity to sink, just for a little while, into the sensation of your own longing.
What does longing feel like to you?
Where do you feel it in the body?
If it had a color, or a shape, what would that be?
What is your longing trying to tell you?
Through the work of author Frank MacEowen (I highly recommend his book The Mist-Filled Path: Celtic Wisdom for Exiles, Wanderers, and Seekers), I have come to dive deeper into my own longing and view it as a guide to my soul.
The ache that we feel, the yearning for something more, is not to be ignored.
It's crucial information.
It's reminding you (or trying to, if you'll listen) of who you are meant to be.
Of the truth of your own being.
Of the depths of your own soul.
It's reminding you of times long gone or of times yet-to-come when you live(d) close to the knowing of what it means to be human. To be fully, wildly, beautifully human. Holy and whole.
Most of us probably have a sense of longing in one way or another. We spend much our time in a sacred-starved world. We long for the sacred. We long for beauty. We long for deep community and belonging. We long for our wildness. We long to come home to ourselves.
If you have a sense of longing, embrace it.
It's telling you that this is not all there is. You don't have to settle for just this.
There is so much more hiding behind doorways you just haven't yet found.
If you long for something, your soul is guiding you.