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ONLINE Gentle Flow Class

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Note the time change again this week! It seemed that more people were able to come at an earlier time. So rise and shine bright and early with me to get our bodies set for the day in this very gentle mat yoga class. I build in some extra time for our own connection, technology, and my “flexible” time management on these online classes.

Join me with your mat for a gentle flow Friday at 8am!

To access the class, please use this Zoom link:

Ways to donate:
If you are able to donate for this class, this helps support me during a difficult financial time.
You can donate by sending money via

Venmo: @JenWyatt


Credit Card:

Entire Zoom Invitation:
Jen Wyatt is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Gentle Morning Yoga Flow
Time: Apr 17, 2020 08:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 542 719 638
Password: wander2020
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