Communal Full Moon Ritual Drop-In
Communal Full Moon Ritual Drop-In
Join us in circle for
meaningful creative ritual
communal spellwork (a spell directs energy toward an intention)
deep visualization and meditative practices
transformative sharing and storytelling
profound reflection and writing exercises
In each circle we use a variety of tools at our disposal such as meditation & visualization, intuitive movement and yoga, writing, art-making, creative crafts, herbal allies, divination in many forms, and other intuitive practices.
This is a circle of wild. A ritual space to be free.
Shed your skin. Reveal your truth.
Wander free.
Open for women.
There will be an optional pot luck, please bring a snack to share if you feel able <3
There will be a local "shop" (i.e. a table) set up where any attendee who has a local business, service, or craft can set up their items for sale, business cards, flyers, etc. so we can share the love of what's going on within our community and create a micro-economy of like-minded spirits.
Our next gathering:
True Love: A Mary Magdalene Ritual
Friday February 14th
The address near the library in the golden gate estates of Naples will be sent prior to the ritual.
Please note: THERE ARE NO REFUNDS OR CREDITS FOR ANY REASON. Please contact me in advance if you have questions or are unsure before you purchase.