Join us inside Temple of the Wild Wanderer, an online circle for the beautiful dreamers, free wanderers, truth seekers, and wild ones.
We practice cyclical living, outside of the box thinking, and deep empowerment through reflection, personal storytelling, mindfulness practices, creativity, and ritual.
Join us to commune as sisters on the Full Moon in Libra.
On this moon of balance, we dive deep into movement ritual and magick to explore the two poles of masculine and feminine energy. Within ritual, we hold space for both the yin and the yang within us, both the structure and the flow.
The masculine and feminine energies do not refer to physical gender. They are a representation of two opposite poles of energy found within everything in our universe.
The feminine, in addition to representing the yin and receptivity, is uncontained creativity and flow. The masculine, in addition to representing the yang and initiatory energy, is structure and containment.
One energy is not more important than the other. Just like air we breathe needs the lungs to contain it, so too the lungs need air in order to have purpose.
The masculine and the feminine energies must be present in all creation.
It's time.
Join us as we bring the balance back.
Monday, March 29th
All those who identify as women or with the feminine may attend.
Join the Temple or Drop-In:
Join as a Temple member for $36 per month and join our private online community (off facebook).
More details on membership:
Drop-In to Circle:
Send $20-$30 (sliding scale) via Venmo to @JenWyatt