Wander Free Wellness

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May Newsletter: No going back...transformation after "corona times"

The line has been drawn...

Dear Free Wanderer,

If you follow me on social media, you may have seen this post already, but it's in my heart and I wanted to share my thoughts and musings here as well, on this current time and how it may be a call to transform through it all.

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Who were we in the before times?

What were we doing that wasn’t serving us?

What has died because of this current situation?

As I feel this line drawn in the sand digging deeper...and as many places move toward reopening...I can’t help but think:

What do I want to revive?

This time has killed so many aspects of my business and what I was filling my time with.

What do I wish to remain dead?

I see this as an opportunity, showing me areas of my life that were out of balance. When I look back on them now…merely two months ago...It feels like another life.

I wonder: who was that woman?

What parts of her am I bringing back?

And what parts of her and the life she was leading am I allowing to remain behind?

We have this opportunity to let what wasn’t working die in the fire.

And from those ashes rise again in a new form
A truer form
A more powerful form
A form that is NOT living life according to false limiting beliefs, playing small, anything out of alignment, or anything that was not bringing pleasure.

There are certain aspects of my way of being in my work life that I will not be reviving.

Wander Free Wellness will be shifting slightly in terms of offerings that I believe are truer to my heart and more transformational and beneficial for those who appreciate what I have to give.

This will mean fewer yoga asana classes. More workshops, transformational experiences, and moon & nature-based magic circles.

And an online membership and courses will be coming soon so that you can take the transformation, the unveiling, the freeing of your true self online and via the comfort of your own home and your own time.

I’m not sure exactly what everything will look like yet… But it will be coming... and by writing this, I hope to be held accountable.

If this is exciting to you, please make a comment so that helps me stay focused on what matters most to me and my business model...Fulfilling my true soul purpose and mission here on this earth. 

Wander Free.
