The Veil is Thin: Honoring the Portal of Samhain
Bone witch and friends ‘round the fire on Samhain night, the night of thinnest veil where our world and the otherworld are just a whisper away.
The portal to Samhain is still open this week, as the actual cross-quarter day of Samhain this year is Saturday, November 6th. As you know, the wheel of the year is not based on Gregorian calendar months but on the seasonal shifts and lunations. Saturday marks the exact middle point between Fall Equinox and Winter Solstice, and so we still find ourselves in this thinnest veil time.
Some things to consider this week:
• Speak to or pray to your ancestors. They are here for you. They are rooting for you. You are the descendants they thought of and wondered about long ago (or not so long ago).
• Honor the ancestors and the dead. Create an altar or sacred space where you can honor them with photographs, memories, keepsakes, or their names written down.
• Gather with loved ones and tell stories of times now past. Allow your ancestors and dead to live on in your words and laughter and tears.
• Take time to write and reflect, not only to connect with loved ones, but also to connect to yourself. Write a letter to those who have gone. Ask them questions and then write from their point of you as though they are responding to you (look up automatic writing).
• Journal your own thoughts and feelings and honor your intuition. The veil is not only thinnest between worlds but also thin between your more surface personality and your deep, true, soul self. What is coming up from the depths at this time? It’s worth exploring for it holds clues to the next cobblestones on your path.
If you’d like to connect with this energy more, join us on Wednesday online via zoom for “Dancing with our Ancestors” inside Temple of the Wild Wanderer. Recording will be available inside the Temple archives for members.